财经金融新闻 北京地铁要涨价(在线收听

The Beijing government holds a public hearing on options for a subway fare increase


The majority of people at a public hearing held on increasing the capital’s public transport fares voted in favor of a hike. On October 28, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform organized a public hearing which invited 25 members of the public for comment. The meeting to gather public opinion is mandated by law as part of administrative changes to the price of public services such as water and electricity. The procedure is intended to incorporate public opinion into government decision-making processes but has been lambasted for being orchestrated. Public transport has suffered from overcrowding and the subsidized fare system has been criticized for being a heavy burden on public finances. The current ticket price for all passengers on Beijing's subways and light rail networks is 2 yuan regardless of the distance travelled. The fare for bus tickets starts at 1 yuan and grows at meter basis. The majority of the hearing body voted on increasing the minimum subway fare to 3 yuan and doubling bus fare to 2 yuan.


For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates.

