巴斯克威尔的猎犬 疑案(6)(在线收听


"Exactly. But surely, if your supernatural theory be correct, it could work the young man evilin London as easily as in Devonshire. A devil with merely local powers like a parish vestry wouldbe too inconceivable a thing."“是的。 可是肯定地说, 如果您那神怪的说法是正确的话, 那么, 这青年人在伦敦就会象在德文郡一样地倒霉。 一个魔鬼, 竟会象教区礼拜堂似的, 只在本地施展权威, 那简直太难以想象了。”

"You put the matter more flippantly, Mr. Holmes, than you would probably do if you werebrought into personal contact with these things. Your advice, then, as I understand it, is that theyoung man will be as safe in Devonshire as in London. He comes in fifty minutes. What wouldyou recommend?"“福尔摩斯先生, 如果您亲身接触到这些事情, 也许您就不会这样轻率地下断语了。 根据我的理解, 您的意见是: 这位青年在德文郡会和在伦敦同样的安全。 他在五十分钟内就要到了, 您说该怎么办呢? ”

"I recommend, sir, that you take a cab, call off your spaniel who is scratching at my frontdoor, and proceed to Waterloo to meet Sir Henry Baskerville."“先生, 我建议您坐上一辆出租马车, 叫走您那只正在抓挠我前门的长耳猎犬, 到滑铁卢去接亨利· 巴斯克维尔爵士。”

"And then?"

“然后呢? ”

"And then you will say nothing to him at all until I have made up my mind about the matter."“然后, 在我对此事作出决定之前, 什么也不要告诉他。”

"How long will it take you to make up your mind?"“您要用多长时间才能作出决定呢? ”

"Twenty-four hours. At ten o'clock to-morrow, Dr. Mortimer, I will be much obliged to you ifyou will call upon me here, and it will be of help to me in my plans for the future if you will bringSir Henry Baskerville with you."“二十四小时。 如果您能在明天十点钟到这里来找我的话, 摩梯末医生, 那我真是太感谢您了; 而且如果您能偕亨利· 巴斯克维尔爵士同来的话, 那就会更有助于我作出未来的计划了。”

"I will do so, Mr. Holmes." He scribbled the appointment on his shirt-cuff and hurried off inhis strange, peering, absentminded fashion. Holmes stopped him at the head of the stair.

“我一定这样作, 福尔摩斯先生。” 他把这约会用铅笔写在袖口上, 然后就带着他那怪异的、 凝目而视和心不在焉的样子匆忙地走了。 当他走到楼梯口时, 福尔摩斯又把他叫住了。

"Only one more question, Dr. Mortimer. You say that before Sir Charles Baskerville's deathseveral people saw this apparition upon the moor?"“再问您一个问题, 摩梯末医生, 您说在查尔兹· 巴斯克维尔爵士死前, 曾有几个人在沼地里看见过这个鬼怪吗? ”

"Three people did."


"Did any see it after?"

“后来又有人看见过吗? ”

"I have not heard of any."


"Thank you. Good-morning."

“谢谢您, 早安。”
