英语口语课堂 53 否定性答复(在线收听

Negative Response 否定性答复



[00:10.99]A:I must be going now.


[00:14.69]B:Really?Can't you stay a little longer?


[00:19.18]A:No,I really must go now.My family are expecting me home soon.


[00:26.09]B:Be seeing you then! A:See you!


[00:30.58]I'd love to,but I...


[00:37.37]A:How have you been? B:Fine,thank you.


[00:42.14]A:And how's everyone in your family?


[00:46.44]B:Very well, thank you.I'm meeting my wife and daughter for lunch at twelve.


[00:53.23]Would you care to join us?


[00:56.64]A:I'd love to,but I'm afraid I can't.


[01:01.54]I've already got a luncheon engagement.


[01:06.24]No,I don't believe I...


[01:13.32]A:Hello,George.It's good to see you.Have you met Mr.Brown?


[01:19.61]B:No,I don't believe I have.


[01:24.60]A:Mr.Brown,I'd like to introduce George Miller.


[01:30.89]Mr.miller is a business associate of our company.


[01:35.98]C:I'm very glad to meet you,Mr.Miller.


[01:41.06]Oh,it's too...


[01:47.06]A:Can we go to the beach on foot?


[01:51.65]B:Oh,it's too far to walk there.We can take a bus.


[01:57.43]A:Is the bus station close by?


[02:01.54]B:Yeah,it's a block away down the street.


[02:06.24]I don't suppose...


[02:11.33]A:Is it Fred's fault?


[02:15.12]B:No,I don't suppose he's to blame.The man in the other car made a mistake.


[02:21.82]A:But he's equally responsible because he tried to overtake you.


[02:27.91]I'm afraid...


[02:32.71]A:Write down your name here in ink.


[02:37.32]B:But I don't have a pen with me.May I use a pencil?


[02:42.82]A:I'm afraid a pencil won't do.


[02:47.02]C:Wait a moment.I'll find you one.


[02:51.82]But it's almost impossible to..


[03:00.91]A:We'll spend at most two days in Beijing.


[03:05.62]B:But it's almost impossible to do justice to the ancient city within two days.


[03:12.91]A:A week will be better but we can't afford the time.


[03:17.81]There's no need to...


[03:23.52]A:I'm taking the two o'clock train.


[03:27.60]B:That's one of the best trains.


[03:31.78]A:Could we start at twelve?


[03:35.26]B:There's no need to start out that early.


[03:39.65]Let's make it one o'clock and we still leave half an hour's margin.


[03:46.34]No,thank you.I prefer...


[03:54.74]A:Would you like some fruit juice?


[03:59.23]B:No,thank you.I prefer tea to fruit juice.


[04:04.32]A:OK,and how about some cereals?


[04:09.31]B:Cereals?That'd be fine.


[04:13.61]I'm very sorry I can't.


[04:20.09]A:We're going to the movies.Will you join us?


[04:25.39]B:I'm very sorry I can't.


[04:29.50]A:Why not? B:I have some business to attend to.

