纪录片《大英博物馆世界简史》 065泰诺仪式用椅(1)(在线收听


065:EPISODE 65 - Taino Ritual Seat 泰诺仪式用椅

Taino ritual seat (made between thirteenth and fifteenth century). Wooden stool; from the Dominican Republic

This week we've been talking about high-status objects that belonged to leaders and thinkers around the world about seven hundred years ago. Objects that reflect the societies that produced them, in Scandinavia and Nigeria, Spain and China. Today's object is a stool from the Caribbean, from what is now the Dominican Republic, and it too tells a rich story - in this case of the Taino people who lived in the Caribbean islands before the arrival of Christopher Columbus.

In the history of the world that we've been telling, this stool is the first object in which the separate narratives of the Americas on the one hand and Europe, Asia and Africa on the other, intersect, or perhaps more accurately, collide. But this is no ordinary domestic thing - it's a stool of great power, a strange and exotic ceremonial seat carved into the shape of an otherworldly being; half-human, half-animal, which would take its owners travelling between worlds, and gave them the power of prophecy. We don't know if the seat helped them foretell it, but we do know that the people who made this seat had a terrible future ahead of them.

"It hides a lot more information than you might suspect, and it's eliciting that information that really is thrilling." (Jos Oliver)

"These objects, for those of us who grew up here in New York, were almost like objects of veneration, in the sense that we were rediscovering our culture - culture that we didn't know existed." (Gabriel Haslip-Viera)





