
  A: Hey, you're in my English class!

  A: 嘿,你是我的英语课同学!

  B: Yes, I am.

  B: 是的,我是。

  A: Did you buy the textbook yet?

  A: 你买课本了吗?

  B: No, it's really expensive.

  B: 不,它真的很贵。

  A: How much is it?

  A: 多少钱?

  B: The original price is over $200.

  B: 原价超过200美元。

  A: We could buy it from a former student.

  A: 我们可以从一个以前的学生那里买。

  B: We could also buy the used version.

  B: 我们也可以购买旧版。

  A: That is a great idea!

  A: 这是个好主意!

  B: I will give you the website to buy used books.

  B: 我会给你买二手书的网站。

  A: Thank you so much.

  A: 非常感谢。

  B: No problem at all.

  B: 客气了。
