
Livng in the Dorms 住宿舍

  A: Do you live in the dorms?

  A: 你住在宿舍吗?

  B: Yes, I do.

  B: 是的,我知道。

  A: What do you like about it?

  A: 你喜欢它什么?

  B: I get to see my friends almost all the time.

  B: 我几乎每时每刻都能见到我的朋友。

  A: What else?

  A: 还有什么?

  B: I don't have to see my parents.

  B: 我不必去见我的父母。

  A: How much does it cost to dorm?

  A: 宿舍要多少钱?

  B: It is very expensive.

  B: 它非常昂贵。

  A: Tell me exactly how much.

  A: 告诉我具体多少钱。

  B: You're going to faint after I tell you.

  B: 我告诉你之后你会晕倒的。

  A: Just tell me.

  A: 告诉我。

  B: It costs $15,000 per year.

  B: 它每年花费15000美元。
