
English Dictionary 英语词典

  A: Excuse me, where can I find a dictionary?

  A: 对不起,我在哪里可以找到字典?

  B: What kind of dictionary would you like?

  B: 你想要什么样的字典?

  A: A bilingual dictionary would be nice.

  A: 双语词典会很好。

  B: Well, there are many printed dictionaries.

  B: 嗯,有很多印刷字典。

  A: Is there one you recommend?

  A: 有你推荐的吗?

  B: Personally, I like the digital dictionaries.

  B: 就我个人而言,我喜欢数字词典。

  A: Do you sell those here?

  A: 你在这里卖吗?

  B: Yes, they're like mini computers.

  B: 是的,它们就像迷你电脑。

  A: They are much more expensive, aren't they?

  A: 它们要贵得多,不是吗?

  B: Unfortunately, they can be expensive.

  B: 不幸的是,它们可能很昂贵。

  A: I think I'll stick with the printed version.

  A: 我想我会坚持印刷版。

  B: Either way, I'm sure it will be very useful!

  B: 不管怎样,我相信它会非常有用!
