
Money and Happiness 金钱与幸福

  A: I want to be a doctor.

  A: 我想成为一名医生。

  B: Why do you want to be a doctor?

  B: 你为什么想当医生?

  A: Doctors make a lot of money.

  A: 医生会赚很多钱。

  B: Doctors also have to go to school for a long time.

  B: 医生也必须长时间上学。

  A: Never mind, I want to be an engineer.

  A: 没关系,我想成为一名工程师。

  B: Why do you want to be an engineer?

  B: 你为什么想成为一名工程师?

  A: Engineers make a lot of money.

  A: 工程师能赚很多钱。

  B: Will you be happy though?

  B: 你会高兴吗?

  A: If I have a lot of money, I will be happy.

  A: 如果我有很多钱,我会很高兴。

  B: Money doesn't equal happiness.

  B: 金钱不等于幸福。

  A: But I can buy whatever I want with money.

  A: 但我可以用钱买任何我想要的东西。

  B: You can't buy friends, family, or love.

  B: 你买不到朋友、家人或爱情。
