
The Customer Is Always Right 客户永远是正确的

  A: I realize that I hate my job.

  A: 我意识到我讨厌我的工作。

  B: What's wrong with it?

  B: 它怎么了?

  A: I always have to treat customers like royalty.

  A: 我总是要像对待皇室一样对待顾客。

  B: Even when the customer is wrong?

  B: 即使客户错了?

  A: At my job, the customer is always right.

  A: 在我的工作中,客户总是对的。

  B: Tell me a bad experience you had.

  B: 告诉我你有过一次糟糕的经历。

  A: A customer dropped his drink on me once.

  A: 有一次,一位顾客把饮料掉在我身上。

  B: And then what happened?

  B: 然后发生了什么?

  A: He started getting mad at me!

  A: 他开始生我的气了!

  B: That is so unreasonable.

  B: 这太不合理了。

  A: Then, my manager told me to apologize.

  A: 然后,我的经理让我道歉。

  B: You should quit.

  B: 你应该退出。
