
Lost a Ticket 车票丢了

  A: Oh no! I lost my ticket!

  A: 哦,不!我的票丢了!

  B: Was it an all-day pass?

  B: 这是全天通行证吗?

  A: Yes! I just bought it!

  A: 是的!我刚买的!

  B: What are you going to do?

  B: 你打算做什么?

  A: Well, I guess all I need to do is get home.

  A: 我想我只需要回家。

  B: It takes three transfers to get to your house.

  B: 到你家需要三次接送。

  A: Maybe I'll just hop the bus.

  A: 也许我就跳公交车。

  B: No way! You have to buy another ticket!

  B: 不可能!你必须再买一张票!

  A: It's not a big deal. No one will notice.

  A: 这没什么大不了的。没有人会注意到。

  B: You'd better not. You could get in trouble.

  B: 你最好不要。你可能会遇到麻烦。

  A: I feel like I'm wasting my money!

  A: 我觉得我在浪费我的钱!

  B: A $2 ticket is better than a $150 ticket fine.

  B: 2美元的罚单比150美元的罚款要好。
