
Tap Card Trouble 公交卡故障

  A: My tap card isn't working!

  A: 我的公交卡坏了!

  B: Why not? Try it again.

  B: 为什么不呢?再试一次。

  A: It's still not accepting the fare.

  A: 它仍然不接受车费。

  B: Is the magnetic strip broken?

  B: 磁条坏了吗?

  A: No, I just used it at the station.

  A: 不,我只是在车站用过。

  B: Did it run out of credit?

  B: 额度用完了吗?

  A: No, I just refilled it yesterday.

  A: 不,我昨天刚充了钱。

  B: Did you tap it upside-down?

  B: 你把它翻过来刷了吗?

  A: I tried flipping it several times.

  A: 我试着翻了几次。

  B: Look, you're using a metro card.

  B: 听着,你用的是地铁卡。

  A: What's the problem with that?

  A: 这有什么问题?

  B: This is the Montebello bus line!

  B: 这是蒙特贝罗公交线路!
