
Cotton Candy 棉花糖

  A: I wish I could touch the clouds.

  A: 我希望我能触摸云彩。

  B: I bet they would be soft like cotton candy.

  B: 我打赌它们会像棉花糖一样柔软。

  A: Maybe they're made of cotton candy.

  A: 也许是棉花糖做的。

  B: That's impossible!

  B: 那是不可能的!

  A: Well, they're both fluffy.

  A: 嗯,它们都很蓬松。

  B: That's all they have in common.

  B: 这就是他们所有的共同点。

  A: Both clouds and cotton candy dissolve with water.

  A: 云朵和棉花糖都会溶于水。

  B: Clouds don't dissolve with water!

  B: 云不溶于水!

  A: Then why do they disappear after it rains?

  A: 那为什么下雨后它们会消失呢?

  B: That's actually a good observation.

  B: 这实际上是一个很好的观察。

  A: I never want to try white cotton candy, though.

  A: 不过,我从不想尝试白色棉花糖。

  B: Me neither! I imagine it will taste like mint.

  B: 我也是!我想它的味道会像薄荷。
