
Bacon 培根

  A: I love putting bacon in everything I cook.

  A: 我喜欢把培根放在我做的所有东西里。

  B: It is a delicious food!

  B: 这是一种美味的食物!

  A: Did you know you can even put it in chocolate?

  A: 你知道你甚至可以把它放在巧克力里吗?

  B: That's amazing!

  B: 太棒了!

  A: It tastes wonderful! They're my two favorite things.

  A: 味道好极了!它们是我最喜欢的两样东西。

  B: I heard bacon is actually bad for you, though.

  B: 我听说培根对身体有害。

  A: How can something so delicious be bad?

  A: 这么好吃的东西怎么会有害呢?

  B: It makes it harder to pump blood through your body.

  B: 这会使血液更难通过你的身体。

  A: That sounds dangerous!

  A: 听起来很危险!

  B: I heard it can really shorten your life.

  B: 我听说它真的可以缩短你的寿命。

  A: I'd rather live a short life happily eating bacon.

  A: 我宁愿快乐地吃培根过短暂的生活。

  B: I think you need to work on your priorities.

  B: 我认为你需要考虑好孰轻孰重。
