
Garlic 大蒜

  A: I'm making the food for the party tomorrow.

  A: 我在为明天的聚会做食物。

  B: I heard you are a fantastic cook!

  B: 我听说你是个很棒的厨师!

  A: Thank you! I do my best.

  A: 谢谢!我尽力了。

  B: Do you have everything you need?

  B: 你有你需要的一切吗?

  A: I just need a few more items.

  A: 我只需要更多的东西。

  B: Vegetables are so expensive.

  B: 蔬菜太贵了。

  A: It's not so bad when they're not charged by the pound.

  A: 当他们不按英镑收费时,情况并不糟糕。

  B: What about when you need a lot of one kind?

  B: 如果你需要很多的某一样呢?

  A: It's usually fine. Except I always buy too much garlic.

  A: 通常很好。除了我总是买太多大蒜。

  B: It's because the packages sell five heads instead of one.

  B: 这是因为这些包装卖的是五个头而不是一个头。

  A: I can never use all the garlic, and it goes bad.

  A: 我永远都用不完所有的大蒜,而且会变质。

  B: Well, at least your house will be safe from vampires.

  B: 嗯,至少你的房子不会有吸血鬼。
