
Where to Eat 去哪吃

  A: I am so hungry.

  A: 我太饿了。

  B: Me too. My stomach is growling.

  B: 我也是。我的胃在咕咕叫。

  A: Are there any good places nearby?

  A: 附近有什么好地方吗?

  B: Do you want to go to the restaurant across the street?

  B: 你想去街对面的餐馆吗?

  A: Oh no! That place is so dirty!

  A: 哦,不!那个地方太脏了!

  B: I heard the food was good.

  B: 我听说食物很好。

  A: The food is good, but not the place itself.

  A: 食物很好,但不是地方本身。

  B: What's so dirty about it?

  B: 它有什么肮脏的?

  A: The staff only cleans the tables once a day.

  A: 工作人员每天只打扫一次桌子。

  B: Wow, that is crazy! Anything else?

  B: 哇,太疯狂了!还有别的吗?

  A: The bowls and plates are not washed well.

  A: 碗和盘子没有洗好。

  B: Let's not go there anymore.

  B: 我们不要再去那里了。
