
To Tip or Not to Tip 给不给小费

  A: That was a delicious dinner!

  A: 那是一顿美味的晚餐!

  B: The waitress was bad though.

  B: 女服务员很糟。

  A: Don't be mean.

  A: 不要吝啬。

  B: She dropped soup on my dress!

  B: 她把汤洒在我的衣服上了!

  A: She did not drop it on purpose.

  A: 她不是故意洒的。

  B: She also took forever to bring out the food.

  B: 她也花了很长时间才把食物拿出来。

  A: Maybe she is a new employee.

  A: 也许她是新员工。

  B: I am not giving her a tip.

  B: 我不会给她小费。

  A: Oh, come on! At least give her a small one.

  A: 哦,来吧!至少给她一个小的。

  B: I am not even going to put a penny.

  B: 我连一分钱都不打算放。

  A: Fine, I'll put a tip.

  A: 好吧,我给小费。

  B: You are way too nice.

  B: 你太好了。
