
Deleting My Profile 删除我的资料

  A: I'm deleting my Facebook.

  A: 我正在删除我的Facebook。

  B: I thought that you liked Facebook.

  B: 我以为你喜欢Facebook。

  A: I do, but it's inconvenient.

  A: 我知道,但很不方便。

  B: Are the games not fun anymore?

  B: 游戏不再有趣了吗?

  A: That's not it.

  A: 不是这样。

  B: Did you get bored of reading posts?

  B: 你厌倦了阅读帖子吗?

  A: No, I still like them.

  A: 不,我仍然喜欢它们。

  B: Did you lose interest in your friends?

  B: 你对朋友失去兴趣了吗?

  A: Of course not.

  A: 当然不是。

  B: Then what's the problem?

  B: 那问题出在哪里?

  A: It's too easy to be stalked.

  A: 这太容易被跟踪了。

  B: Don't worry, only attractive people are stalked.

  B: 别担心,只有有魅力的人才会被跟踪。
