
Personality 性格

  A: I think you're really pretty.

  A: 我觉得你真的很漂亮。

  B: Thanks, that's nice of you to say.

  B: 谢谢,你说得真好。

  A: Will you go out with me?

  A: 你愿意和我一起出去吗?

  B: No, I apologize.

  B: 不,我道歉。

  A: Why not? Did I say something wrong?

  A: 为什么不呢?我说错话了吗?

  B: You only want to go out with me for my looks.

  B: 你只想和我出去看看我的长相。

  A: That's not true.

  A: 这不是真的。

  B: What do you think of my personality?

  B: 你觉得我的性格怎么样?

  A: It's pretty.

  A: 很漂亮。

  B: You're funny. A personality can't be pretty.

  B: 你很有趣。个性不可能是美丽的。

  A: Honestly, I don't care about your personality.

  A: 老实说,我不在乎你的个性。

  B: Then, I don't care about dating you.

  B: 那么,我不在乎和你约会。
