
The First Kiss 初吻

  A: I've been dating for a while, but I never kissed anyone.

  A: 我已经约会一段时间了,但我从未吻过任何人。

  B: Don't worry about it.

  B: 别担心。

  A: When did you have your first kiss?

  A: 你什么时候初吻的?

  B: I was 15.

  B: 我15岁。

  A: How was it?

  A: 怎么样?

  B: Weird. I didn't like the guy at all.

  B: 奇怪。我一点都不喜欢那个人。

  A: Why did you kiss him then?

  A: 那你为什么吻他?

  B: I wanted to get it over with.

  B: 我想把它搞定。

  A: When should I kiss my girlfriend?

  A: 我什么时候应该吻我的女朋友?

  B: When you're ready.

  B: 当你准备好了。

  A: I don't think I'll ever be ready.

  A: 我想我永远不会准备好。

  B: Then maybe your girlfriend is the problem.

  B: 那也许你的女朋友是问题所在。
