
  Are you all right in elevators?


  It won’t make you sick or anything, will it?


  This is our bedroom.


  And this is my wife’s dressing room.


  She left a few dresses.Couldn’t be bothered to pick them up.

  她留下了一些衣服 。不是因为厌倦了没有带走。

  They’re worth thousands.Thousands.

  它们价值数千英镑 好几千英镑。

  This leather coat alone is worth 5000 quid.


  So you see, the thing is this.Sit down.

  所以你瞧 问题就出在这坐下。

  The thing is this, my wife spends money like water.


  So if you’re not careful, she’ll eat you out of house and home.

  所以要是你不谨慎点 ,她会吃到你变卖家产无家可归。

  She was born to luxury, you know.Jamaica, the Ritz, the Swiss Alps.

  她生性奢华 你知道的 牙买加、丽池酒店、瑞士阿尔卑斯山。

  What are you?Outofwork actor, parttime chauffeur.

  你算什么? 失业演员、兼职私人司机。

  You’re out of your depth, old boy.You’re on a hiding to nothing.

  你做的事情超出了你的能力 没有任何希望。

  If you think you’re broke now...


  ...you’ll be 10 times broker by the time she’s finished with you.

  那在她和你结束之前 你会破产十倍。

  She’ll have your guts for garters.


  She’s in love with me.Oh, never trust in love, chum.

  她和我相爱了哦 ,千万别相信爱情 ,朋友。

  Love will kick you up the arse as soon as look at you.

  一旦爱情看中了你 ,你立刻就会倒大霉。

  One minute, it’s love, 10 minutes later, it’s contempt.

  一分钟前还是爱情 ,十分钟之后就变成了羞辱。
