
  Watching Soccer Games


  A: You've been watching a lot of soccer lately.

  A: 你最近看了很多足球比赛。

  B: There's a different game shown every day.

  B: 每天都有不同的游戏。

  A: That's because of the world cup.

  A: 那是因为世界杯。

  B: Everyone is talking about it all the time!

  B: 每个人都在谈论它!

  A: Have you watched every single game?

  A: 你看过每场比赛吗?

  B: No, I only watch the really important teams.

  B: 不,我只看真正重要的球队。

  A: How do you choose which teams are important?

  A: 你如何选择哪些团队是重要的?

  B: Well, I cheer for the countries my parents are from.

  B: 嗯,我为我父母来自的国家加油。

  A: What other teams do you cheer for?

  A: 你还为哪些球队加油?

  B: Well, this country's team, of course.

  B: 当然,这个国家的队。

  A: How do you choose from all the other teams?

  A: 你如何从其他球队中选择?

  B: That's easy. I cheer for the one with the cutest players!

  B: 这很简单。我为最可爱的球员加油!
