
  Dodgers Fan


  A: Great shirt! Go Dodgers!

  A: 很棒的衬衫!去道奇队!

  B: It's great to find a fellow fan!

  B: 找到一个粉丝伙伴真是太好了!

  A: Do you think we have a chance at winning this year?

  A: 你认为我们今年有机会获胜吗?

  B: Of course! The coach will not let us down!

  B: 当然!教练不会让我们失望的!

  A: Have you ever been to an actual game?

  A: 你去过真正的比赛吗?

  B: I try to go at least once every season.

  B: 我试图每个赛季至少去一次。

  A: What's it like?

  A: 这是什么样的?

  B: It's a great experience! Children love going to the stadium.

  B: 这是一次很棒的经历!孩子们喜欢去体育场。

  A: Maybe I'll take my son to a game.

  A: 也许我会带我儿子去看比赛。

  B: Just keep an eye out for flying balls!

  B: 只需注意飞球!

  A: I'd be more worried about cavities from sweets.

  A: 我会更担心甜食的蛀牙。

  B: It's just a baseball game! You're supposed to pig out.

  B: 这只是一场棒球比赛!你应该大吃一顿。
