
  Playing Hockey


  A: Do you like sports?

  A: 你喜欢运动吗?

  B: Of course I do!

  B: 我当然知道!

  A: Awesome! What's your favorite one?

  A: 太棒了!你最喜欢的是什么?

  B: Hockey. It's the best sport there is.

  B: 曲棍球。这是最好的运动。

  A: It's too violent for me.

  A: 这对我来说太暴力了。

  B: I've heard a lot of people say that.

  B: 我听过很多人这么说。

  A: Yes, it looks dangerous.

  A: 是的,看起来很危险。

  B: Not really. I've been playing for five years and I'm okay.

  B: 不是真的。我已经打了五年了,我很好。

  A: Is that why you are missing your front teeth?

  A: 这就是你缺门牙的原因吗?

  B: Yes. But it's not that bad.

  B: 是的。但没那么糟。

  A: It looks painful.

  A: 看起来很痛。

  B: A little. Everything else about Hockey is fun.

  B: 一点点。曲棍球的其他一切都很有趣。

  A: Cool, but I'll stick to golf.

  A: 很酷,但我会坚持打高尔夫球。
