
  Soccer Mom


  A: Hi! You're David's mom, aren't you?

  A: 嗨!你是大卫的妈妈,是吗?

  B: Yes I am. Do I know you from somewhere?

  B: 是的,我认识你吗?

  A: I'm James's mom. They play on the same team.

  A: 我是詹姆斯的妈妈。他们在同一队比赛。

  B: That's right! It's nice to meet you.

  B: 没错!很高兴认识你。

  A: It's nice to meet you, too.

  A: 见到你也很高兴。

  B: Will David be playing in the big game on Saturday?

  B: 大卫将参加周六的大型比赛吗?

  A: I'm afraid not. He's fighting a cold.

  A: 恐怕不行。他正在与感冒作斗争。

  B: That's terrible! A bug has been going around.

  B: 太可怕了!一只虫子一直在四处传播。

  A: He's missed a lot of school, though.

  A: 不过,他错过了很多学校。

  B: I see. I'll ask David to deliver his homework.

  B: 我明白了。我会让大卫交作业。

  A: That would be a great help, thank you.

  A: 这将是一个很大的帮助,谢谢。

  B: It's no problem at all!

  B: 完全没问题!
