


  A: I would like to have a garden.

  A: 我想要一个花园。

  B: Planting a garden is a lot of work.

  B: 种植花园是一项艰巨的工作。

  A: But then you grow beautiful flowers.

  A: 但你会长出美丽的花朵。

  B: Plastic flowers don't die, and they are also beautiful.

  B: 塑料花不会死,而且它们也很漂亮。

  A: Plastic flowers don't have a scent.

  A: 塑料花没有香味。

  B: You can spray them with perfume.

  B: 你可以给他们喷香水。

  A: Perfume doesn't really smell like flowers.

  A: 香水闻起来不像花。

  B: It does if you buy the right kind.

  B: 如果你买的是正确的。

  A: It is expensive to buy perfume and plastic flowers.

  A: 买香水和塑料花很贵。

  B: I suppose you are right.

  B: 我想你是对的。

  A: Will you help me plant my garden?

  A: 你能帮我种花园吗?

  B: I don't think I have any other choice.

  B: 我想我别无选择。
