
  Poison Ivy


  A: Have you ever heard of poison ivy?

  A: 你听说过毒常春藤吗?

  B: Isn't that a super villain?

  B: 这不是一个超级恶棍吗?

  A: I wouldn't know. Tell me more.

  A: 我不知道。告诉我更多。

  B: I once read about Poison Ivy in a comic book.

  B: 我曾经在一本漫画书中读过毒常春藤。

  A: Oh, no. That's not what I'm talking about.

  A: 哦,不,这不是我说的。

  B: Then what did you mean?

  B: 那你是什么意思?

  A: I was talking about the plant.

  A: 我在谈论植物。

  B: Is it the one that makes you itch?

  B: 是那个让你发痒的人吗?

  A: Yes. I fell into a patch of it.

  A: 是的。我陷入了其中。

  B: Did you wash it off?

  B: 你把它洗掉了吗?

  A: Yes, but it still itches.

  A: 是的,但还是很痒。

  B: The Poison Ivy I think of is better than this poison ivy.

  B: 我想到的常春藤比这株毒常春藤好。
