


  A: The forecast said it would rain tomorrow.

  A: 预报说明天会下雨。

  B: Why do you sound so excited?

  B: 你为什么听起来这么兴奋?

  A: We have a big PE test tomorrow.

  A: 我们明天有一场大型体育考试。

  B: I didn't know that.

  B: 我不知道。

  A: We have to run ten kilometers.

  A: 我们必须跑十公里。

  B: I think that is next week.

  B: 我想那是下周。

  A: Then what are we doing tomorrow?

  A: 那我们明天要做什么?

  B: I think we will be playing street hockey.

  B: 我想我们会打街头曲棍球。

  A: Hockey is my favorite sport!

  A: 曲棍球是我最喜欢的运动!

  B: Too bad it may rain.

  B: 太糟糕了,可能会下雨。

  A: I hope it doesn't rain, after all.

  A: 毕竟我希望不会下雨。

  B: You change your mind very quickly.

  B: 你很快就改变了主意。
