
  Grass Whistle


  A: What was that sound?

  A: 那是什么声音?

  B: What sound?

  B: 什么声音?

  A: It sounded like a whistle.

  A: 它听起来像一个哨子。

  B: I didn't hear anything.

  B: 我什么也没听到。

  A: The sound came from you!

  A: 声音来自你!

  B: I admit it, I made the sound.

  B: 我承认,我发出了声音。

  A: How did you do that?

  A: 你是怎么做到的?

  B: I made a whistle with a blade of grass.

  B: 我用一片草吹了一声口哨。

  A: Teach me how to do it!

  A: 教我怎么做!

  B: Why do you want to learn?

  B: 你为什么要学习?

  A: I want to surprise my sister when I get home.

  A: 我回家后想给我妹妹一个惊喜。

  B: You're a mean older sister.

  B: 你是个刻薄的姐姐。
