
  Birds or Cats


  A: I wish I were a bird.

  A: 我希望我是一只鸟。

  B: I think being a cat would be better.

  B: 我想当一只猫会更好。

  A: But birds can fly.

  A: 但鸟儿会飞。

  B: Well, cats can climb.

  B: 嗯,猫会爬。

  A: Birds fly higher than any cats can climb.

  A: 鸟飞得比任何猫都高。

  B: And yet, cats eat birds all the time.

  B: 然而,猫总是吃鸟。

  A: That's only when the bird is sleeping.

  A: 只有在鸟儿睡觉的时候。

  B: You just don't want to admit cats are better.

  B: 你只是不想承认猫更好。

  A: I know why you want to be a cat.

  A: 我知道你为什么想成为一只猫。

  B: Why do I want to be a cat?

  B: 为什么我想成为一只猫?

  A: Cats sleep all day, and so do you.

  A: 猫整天睡觉,你也是。

  B: At least cats can sleep without being eaten.

  B: 至少猫可以睡觉而不被吃。
