
  A Get-Well Card


  A: David did not come to work again today.

  A: 大卫今天没有再来上班。

  B: He must be very sick to be absent a whole week.

  B: 他一定病得很重,缺席了整整一周。

  A: My sister made him some soup yesterday.

  A: 我姐姐昨天给他做了一些汤。

  B: Soup is very good for sick people to eat.

  B: 汤对病人很好吃。

  A: Apparently, it wasn't good enough.

  A: 显然,这还不够好。

  B: What else does one do for a sick person?

  B: 一个人还能为病人做什么?

  A: I'm going to send him a get-well card.

  A: 我要给他寄一张康复卡。

  B: That is very nice of you.

  B: 你真是太好了。

  A: Maybe I'll get the whole office to sign it.

  A: 也许我会让整个办公室签字。

  B: Good idea, but I suggest you mail it to him.

  B: 好主意,但我建议你邮寄给他。

  A: Why can't I take it to him?

  A: 为什么我不能把它带给他?

  B: If you catch his cold, it will mean more work for us!

  B: 如果你感冒了,对我们来说意味着更多的工作!
