
  A Community Tree

  A: Do you have a chainsaw?

  A: 你有电锯吗?

  B: Yes, but why do you need it?

  B: 是的,但你为什么需要它?

  A: I want to cut down the tree in my yard.

  A: 我想砍倒我院子里的树。

  B: What's wrong with it? It's a beautiful tree.

  B: 它怎么了?这是一棵美丽的树。

  A: It drops too many leaves.

  A: 它掉了太多的叶子。

  B: There are squirrels in that tree.

  B: 那棵树上有松鼠。

  A: The roots messed up my water system.

  A: 树根弄乱了我的水系。

  B: The neighborhood children love climbing it.

  B: 附近的孩子们喜欢爬它。

  A: Birds land on it and poop on my car.

  A: 鸟儿落在上面,在我的车上拉屎。

  B: People love the romantic and cooling shade it gives.

  B: 人们喜欢它给人的浪漫和凉爽的感觉。

  A: I suppose the tree does have some good points.

  A: 我想这棵树确实有一些优点。

  B: If you see the good, the bad won't seem so bad.

  B: 如果你看到了好的,坏的就不会那么糟糕了。
