
  The Phone Bill


  A: You didn't answer your phone last night.

  A: 你昨晚没接电话。

  B: The phone company cut my wireless.

  B: 电话公司切断了我的无线网络。

  A: Why? Did you pay your phone bills?

  A: 为什么?你付电话费了吗?

  B: I refused to pay the last one.

  B: 我拒绝支付最后一笔。

  A: Why didn't you want to pay it?

  A: 你为什么不想付钱?

  B: It was much too high!

  B: 太高了!

  A: Did you make many long-distance calls?

  A: 你打了很多长途电话吗?

  B: I thought it was free to call others' cell phones.

  B: 我以为打别人的手机是免费的。

  A: Only if they're from the same provider.

  A: 仅当它们来自同一提供商时。

  B: Oops. Then it was my fault.

  B: 哎呀。那是我的错。

  A: You'd better call the company and apologize for this mess.

  A: 你最好给公司打电话,为这一团糟道歉。

  B: Can I use your phone? Mine is still dead.

  B: 我可以用你的电话吗?我的仍然死了。
