


  A: Do you have any pets?

  A: 你有宠物吗?

  B: Yes. I have two fishes.

  B: 是的。我有两条鱼。

  A: That's it? Why don't you get more pets?

  A: 就这样?你为什么不多养点宠物?

  B: I'm allergic to fur.

  B: 我对毛皮过敏。

  A: That's terrible. I love cats and dogs.

  A: 太可怕了。我喜欢猫和狗。

  B: Do you own any?

  B: 你有吗?

  A: I have two cats and three dogs.

  A: 我有两只猫和三条狗。

  B: Wow, that's a lot of animals.

  B: 哇,那是很多动物。

  A: I know, but I love them so much.

  A: 我知道,但我太爱他们了。

  B: I wish I could own a cat someday.

  B: 我希望有一天我能养一只猫。

  A: You're not happy with your fishes?

  A: 你对你的鱼不满意吗?

  B: Not really. I can't even pet them.

  B: 不是真的。我甚至不能抚摸它们。

  A: Maybe you could get a snake.

  A: 也许你可以弄条蛇。

  B: I'm not that desperate.

  B: 我没有那么绝望。
