
  Flying on an Airplane


  A: Have you ever flown on an airplane?

  A: 你坐过飞机吗?

  B: Yes, I've flown in planes many times.

  B: 是的,我坐过很多次飞机。

  A: Were you scared?

  A: 你害怕吗?

  B: The first time I was a little bit scared.

  B: 第一次我有点害怕。

  A: But it went away after that?

  A: 但那之后它就消失了?

  B: Yes. After the first take-off, it was very simple and enjoyable.

  B: 是的。第一次起飞后,非常简单和愉快。

  A: I've never gotten on a plane before.

  A: 我以前从未坐过飞机。

  B: You have never flown in planes?

  B: 你从来没有坐过飞机?

  A: Nope. I'm going to fly for the first time tomorrow.

  A: 没有。明天我将第一次坐飞机。

  B: You'll love it! Don't you have first-class tickets?

  B: 你会喜欢的!你没有头等舱的票吗?

  A: No, they're coach tickets.

  A: 不,他们是教练票。

  B: Just take earplugs in case there are babies on board.

  B: 带上耳塞以防船上有婴儿。
