巴斯克威尔的猎犬 梅利琵宅邸的主人斯台普吞(5)(在线收听


  "You will, I am sure, excuse my presumption, Dr. Watson," said he as he came panting up towhere I stood. "Here on the moor we are homely folk and do not wait for formal introductions.

  You may possibly have heard my name from our mutual friend, Mortimer. I am Stapleton, ofMerripit House."

  “我相信您一定会原谅我的冒昧无礼, 华生医生, ” 当他喘着气跑到我跟前的时候说道,“在这片沼地里, 人们都象是一家人似的, 彼此相见, 都不用等着正式的介绍。 我想您从咱们的朋友摩梯末医生那里可能已经听说过我的姓名了, 我就是住在梅利琵的斯台普吞。”

  "Your net and box would have told me as much," said I, "for I knew that Mr. Stapleton was anaturalist. But how did you know me?"

  “您的木匣和网就已经很清楚地告诉我了, ” 我说道,“因为我早就知道斯台普吞先生是一位生物学家。 可是您怎么会认识我呢? ”

  "I have been calling on Mortimer, and he pointed you out to me from the window of hissurgery as you passed. As our road lay the same way I thought that I would overtake you andintroduce myself. I trust that Sir Henry is none the worse for his journey?"“在我拜访摩梯末医生的时候, 您正从他的窗外走过, 于是, 他就把您指给我看了。 因为咱们走的是一条路, 所以我想赶上您来作个自我介绍。 我相信亨利爵士的这趟旅行一切都好吧? ”

  "He is very well, thank you."

  “谢谢您, 他很好。”

  "We were all rather afraid that after the sad death of Sir Charles the new baronet might refuseto live here. It is asking much of a wealthy man to come down and bury himself in a place of thiskind, but I need not tell you that it means a very great deal to the countryside. Sir Henry has, Isuppose, no superstitious fears in the matter?"“在查尔兹爵士惨死之后, 我们都担心这位新来的准男爵也许会不愿住在这里呢。 要想使一位有钱的人屈尊埋没在这样一个地方, 确实有点说不过去。 可是, 用不着我多说, 这一点对乡 鄙之地说来, 确实是关系重大呢。 我想, 亨利爵士对这件事不会有什么迷信的恐惧心理吧? ”

  "I do not think that it is likely."

