巴斯克威尔的猎犬 梅利琵宅邸的主人斯台普吞(9)(在线收听


  "It is a wonderful place, the moor," said he, looking round over the undulating downs, longgreen rollers, with crests of jagged granite foaming up into fantastic surges. "You never tire of themoor. You cannot think the wonderful secrets which it contains. It is so vast, and so barren, and somysterious."

  “这片沼地可真是个奇妙的地方, ” 他说道, 一面向四周环顾。 起伏不平的丘原, 象是绵延的绿色浪潮; 参差不齐的花岗岩山巅, 好象是被浪涛激起的奇形怪状的水花。“您永远也不会对这沼地感到厌烦的, 沼地里绝妙的隐秘之处您简直就无法想象, 那样的广大, 那样的荒凉, 那样的神秘。”

  "You know it well, then?"

  “那么说, 您对沼地一定知道得很清楚啰? ”

  "I have only been here two years. The residents would call me a newcomer. We came shortlyafter Sir Charles settled. But my tastes led me to explore every part of the country round, and Ishould think that there are few men who know it better than I do."“我在这里才只住了 两年, 当地居民还把我称作新来的呢, 我们来的时候, 查尔兹爵士也是刚在这里住下没有多久。 我的兴趣促使我观察了这乡 间的每一部分, 所以我想很少有人能比我对这里知道得更清楚了 。”

  "Is it hard to know?"

  “要想弄清楚是很难的事吗? ”

  "Very hard. You see, for example, this great plain to the north here with the queer hillsbreaking out of it. Do you observe anything remarkable about that?"“很难。 您要知道, 比如说吧, 北面的这个大平原, 中间矗起了几座奇形怪状的小山。

  您可看得出来有什么特殊之处吗? ”

  "It would be a rare place for a gallop."


  "You would naturally think so and the thought has cost several their lives before now. Younotice those bright green spots scattered thickly over it?"“您自然会这样想, 可是到现在为止, 这种想法已不知葬送了多少性命了。 您看得见那些密布着嫩绿草地的地方吗? ”

  "Yes, they seem more fertile than the rest."“是啊, 看来那地方要比其他地方更肥沃些呢。”

  Stapleton laughed.

