巴斯克威尔的猎犬 梅利琵宅邸的主人斯台普吞(16)(在线收听


  "Man, man!" she cried. "Can you not tell when a warning is for your own good? Go back toLondon! Start to-night! Get away from this place at all costs! Hush, my brother is coming! Not aword of what I have said. Would you mind getting that orchid for me among the mare's-tailsyonder? We are very rich in orchids on the moor, though, of course, you are rather late to see thebeauties of the place."

  “您这个人啊, 您这个人哪!” 她叫了 起来,“难道您还看不出来这个警告是为您好吗?

  回伦敦去! 今晚就动身! 无论如何也要离开这个地方! 嘘, 我哥哥来了! 关于我说过的话,一个字也不要提。 劳驾您把杉叶藻那边的那枝兰花摘给我好吗? 在我们这片沼地上兰花很多, 您显然是来得太迟了, 已经看不到这里的美丽之处了 。”

  Stapleton had abandoned the chase and came back to us breathing hard and flushed with hisexertions.

  斯台普吞已经放弃了 对那只小虫的追捕, 回到了我们的身边, 由于劳累而大喘着气, 而且面孔通红。

  "Halloa, Beryl!" said he, and it seemed to me that the tone of his greeting was not altogethera cordial one.

  “啊哈, 贝莉儿!” 他说道。 可是就我看来他那打招呼的语调并不热诚。

  "Well, Jack, you are very hot."

  “啊, 杰克, 你很热了吧? ”

  "Yes, I was chasing a Cyclopides. He is very rare and seldom found in the late autumn. Whata pity that I should have missed him!" He spoke unconcernedly, but his small light eyes glanced incessantly from the girl to me.

  “嗯, 我刚才追一只赛克罗派德大飞蛾来着, 是在晚秋时分很少见的一种。 多可惜呀,我竟没有捉到!” 他漫不经心地说着, 可是他那明亮的小眼却不住地向我和那女子的脸上看来看去。
