巴斯克威尔的猎犬 梅利琵宅邸的主人斯台普吞(20)(在线收听


  "I have run all the way in order to cut you off, Dr. Watson," said she. "I had not even time to put on my hat. I must not stop, or my brother may miss me. I wanted to say to you how sorry I am about the stupid mistake I made in thinking that you were Sir Henry. Please forget the words I said,which have no application whatever to you."“为了截住您, 我一口气就跑来了, 华生医生, ” 她说道,“我甚至连帽子都没有来得及戴。 我不能在这里久停, 否则我哥哥就要因我不在而感到寂寞了。 对我所犯的愚蠢的错误,我想向您致以深深的歉意, 我竟把您看成了亨利爵士。 请把我所说过的话忘掉吧, 这些话与您是毫无关系的。”

  "But I can't forget them, Miss Stapleton," said I. "I am Sir Henry's friend, and his welfare is a very close concern of mine. Tell me why it was that you were so eager that Sir Henry shoul dreturn to London."

  “可是我是忘不掉的, 斯台普吞小姐, ” 我说道,“我是亨利爵士的朋友, 我非常关心他的幸福。 告诉我吧, 为什么您那么急切地认为亨利爵士应当回到伦敦去呢? ”

  "A woman's whim, Dr. Watson. When you know me better you will understand that I cannot always give reasons for what I say or do."“不过是女人的一时之念罢了, 华生医生。 等您对我了解得更深一些的时候, 您就会知道, 我对我自己的一言一行并不是都能说出个道理来的。 ”

  "No, no. I remember the thrill in your voice. I remembe the look in your eyes. Please, please,be frank with me, Miss Stapleton, for ever since I have been here I have been conscious of shadows all round me. Life has become like that great Grimpen Mire, with little green patches everywhere into which one may sink and with no guide to point the track. Tell me then what it was that you meant, and I will promise to convey your warning to Sir Henry."“不对, 不对。 我还记得您那发抖的声调, 我还记得您那时的眼神。 喔, 请您对我坦白地讲吧, 斯台普吞小姐, 从我一到这里起, 我就感到周围都是疑团。 生活已经变得象格林盆泥潭一样了, 到处都是小片小片的绿丛, 人们会在那里陷入地里, 而没有向导能给他指出一条脱身的道路。 告诉我吧, 您究竟是什么意思, 我答应您一定把您的警告转达给亨利爵士。”

  An expression of irresolution passed for an instant over her face, but her eyes had hard ened again when she answered me.

  她的脸上刹时间闪现了一种犹豫不决的表情, 可是在她回答我的时候, 她的两眼马上又变得坚决起来了。
