
My Shark Sister 我的姐姐

  A: I'm tired of living with my sister.

  A: 我厌倦了和我姐姐住在一起。

  B: I don't like living with mine, either.

  B: 我也不喜欢和我姐姐住在一起。

  A: There should be a place to send annoying siblings.

  A: 应该有地方让讨厌的兄弟姐妹去。

  B: What kind of place?

  B: 什么样的地方?

  A: I don't know, maybe the zoo.

  A: 我不知道,也许是动物园。

  B: My sister is too wild to live in a zoo.

  B: 我姐姐太野了,不能住在动物园里。

  A: I think she'd scare all the animals.

  A: 我想她会吓到所有的动物。

  B: Yeah, and eat all of their food.

  B: 是的,吃他们所有的食物。

  A: What about the aquarium?

  A: 水族馆怎么样?

  B: I guess the shark tank would be a good place.

  B: 我想鲨鱼池会是个好地方。

  A: It's too bad that humans can't breathe underwater.

  A: 人类不能在水下呼吸真是太糟糕了。

  B: What a shame, it was the perfect plan.

  B: 真遗憾,这是个完美的计划。
