
Playing Outside 出去玩

  A: Mother, may I go play outside?

  A: 妈妈,我可以出去玩吗?

  B: Have you cleaned your room yet?

  B: 你打扫房间了吗?

  A: I promise I'll do it later.

  A: 我保证以后再做。

  B: You said that yesterday. Go clean it now.

  B: 你昨天说过。现在去打扫。

  A: I really mean it this time. I'll clean it later.

  A: 这次我真的很认真。我稍后再打扫。

  B: Alright, go play for a bit.

  B: 好的,去玩一会儿。

  A: Before I go, may I have a cookie?

  A: 在我走之前,我可以吃一块饼干吗?

  B: You can have it later.

  B: 你以后可以吃。

  A: But it's the last one- someone else might eat it.

  A: 但这是最后一个——别人可能会吃它。

  B: You can have it now if you go clean your room.

  B: 如果你去打扫房间,你现在就可以拿到了。

  A: I think I'd rather go out and play.

  A: 我想我宁愿出去玩。

  B: Then I think I'll have the cookie for snack.

  B: 那我想我要饼干当点心。
