
An Afternoon Fishing 午后垂钓

  A: Dad, why do you like fishing so much?

  A: 爸爸,你为什么这么喜欢钓鱼?

  B: Fishing is a good way to clear your mind.

  B: 钓鱼是一个让你头脑清醒的好方法。

  A: Is that because everything is so quiet?

  A: 这是因为一切都很安静吗?

  B: That is exactly why.

  B: 这就是为什么。

  A: Don't you get bored just sitting and waiting?

  A: 你坐着等着不觉得无聊吗?

  B: There is more to fishing than just sitting and waiting.

  B: 钓鱼不仅仅是坐着等待。

  A: What do you mean?

  A: 你是什么意思?

  B: To be a good fisherman, you have to read nature.

  B: 要成为一个好渔夫,你必须阅读自然。

  A: The same way you read a book?

  A: 就像你看书一样?

  B: Almost the same way. You'll learn in time.

  B: 几乎相同。你会及时学会的。

  A: Is that what you like most about fishing?

  A: 这就是你最喜欢钓鱼的地方吗?

  B: No. I like fishing together with you the most.

  B: 不,我最喜欢和你一起钓鱼。
