
A Day at the Beach 海滩上的一天

  A: It's too cold to go swimming today.

  A: 今天太冷了,不能去游泳。

  B: That's okay. We can make a sand castle.

  B: 没关系。我们可以建造一座沙城堡。

  A: Dad forgot the buckets at home.

  A: 爸爸把水桶忘在家里了。

  B: We can explore the tide pools.

  B: 我们可以探索潮汐池。

  A: Maybe we'll find some crabs!

  A: 也许我们会找到一些螃蟹!

  B: I think I'd like a seahorse better.

  B: 我想我更喜欢海马。

  A: We can put them in our aquarium!

  A: 我们可以把它们放在水族馆里!

  B: That's a great idea!

  B: 这是个好主意!

  A: How will we carry them without buckets?

  A: 没有水桶,我们如何搬运?

  B: I forgot we don't have any.

  B: 我忘了我们没有。

  A: What is there to do now?

  A: 现在该怎么办?

  B: Wait until it's time to go home.

  B: 等到该回家了。
