
Having a Brother 有一个兄弟

  A: Is that boy you walk home with your brother?

  A: 那个男孩是你和你哥哥一起回家的吗?

  B: No, he's my neighbor.

  B: 不,他是我的邻居。

  A: Does he go to your house often?

  A: 他经常去你家吗?

  B: We hang out there almost every day.

  B: 我们几乎每天都在那里闲逛。

  A: Your parents don't mind that?

  A: 你父母不介意吗?

  B: Of course not. They've known him since we were children.

  B: 当然不是。他们从小就认识他。

  A: He might as well be your brother.

  A: 他可能是你的兄弟。

  B: I prefer having close friends to having a brother.

  B: 比起有兄弟,我更喜欢有亲密的朋友。

  A: What's wrong with having a brother?

  A: 有个兄弟有什么问题?

  B: Brothers always fight over things they don't want to share.

  B: 兄弟们总是为了他们不想分享的东西而争吵。

  A: Are you afraid he'd take your things?

  A: 你怕他拿走你的东西吗?

  B: No, I'm afraid he'd take my girlfriend.

  B: 不,我担心他会带走我的女朋友。
