
Sisterly Advice 姐姐般的建议

  A: How do I get that boy to like me?

  A: 我怎样才能让那个男孩喜欢我?

  B: Just be yourself, and act naturally around him.

  B: 做你自己,在他身边表现自然。

  A: I already do that, and I still don't have a boyfriend.

  A: 我已经这么做了,但我仍然没有男朋友。

  B: You will, once the right boy comes along.

  B: 你会的,一旦合适的男孩出现。

  A: How do I know which boy is the right one?

  A: 我怎么知道哪个男孩是对的?

  B: You'll know because you'll fall in love.

  B: 你会知道,因为你会爱上你。

  A: How do I know if I'm in love or not?

  A: 我怎么知道我是否恋爱了?

  B: All the love songs will make sense.

  B: 所有的情歌都会有意义。

  A: The only ones that make sense now are the sad ones.

  A: 现在唯一有意义的是悲伤。

  B: Don't worry. Just be patient, and then you'll see.

  B: 别担心。耐心一点,你就会明白的。

  A: You really think so?

  A: 你真的这么认为吗?

  B: Yes. Good things come to those who wait.

  B: 是的。等待的人会得到好东西。
