
Police Officers 警察

  A: I don't like seeing so many police officers patrolling.

  A: 我不喜欢看到这么多警察在巡逻。

  B: They're just trying to keep the city safe.

  B: 他们只是想保持城市的安全。

  A: I think they just like giving people tickets.

  A: 我想他们只是喜欢给人门票。

  B: People should just learn to follow the rules.

  B: 人们应该学会遵守规则。

  A: People make mistakes sometimes.

  A: 人们有时会犯错。

  B: The cops don't always give people tickets.

  B: 警察不总是给人开罚单。

  A: They usually do. I think it makes them happy.

  A: 他们通常这么做。我想这会让他们高兴。

  B: Not all police officers are mean, though.

  B: 不过,并不是所有的警察都很吝啬。

  A: We could go on arguing about this all day.

  A: 我们可以为此争论一整天。

  B: Then maybe it would just be best to agree with me.

  B: 那也许最好同意我的意见。

  A: I just believe police officers could be nicer.

  A: 我只是相信警察会更好。

  B: That's true. The whole world should be a little nicer.

  B: 这是真的。整个世界应该更美好一点。
