
Public Transport 公共交通

  A: l heard that there was a stabbing the other day.

  A: 我听说前几天有人被捅了一刀。

  B: What? Where?

  B: 什么?哪里

  A: In a public bus.

  A: 在公共巴士上。

  B: That's scary!

  B: 太可怕了!

  A: Yes it is! I'm glad I don't take the bus often.

  A: 是的!我很高兴我不常坐公共汽车。

  B: What time did it happen?

  B: 什么时候发生的?

  A: It happened in the evening.

  A: 事情发生在晚上。

  B: People should avoid going out too late at night.

  B: 人们应该避免晚上出门太晚。

  A: Yes, that's when the most crime takes place.

  A: 是的,那是犯罪最多的时候。

  B: Either way, I think I'll be driving home after evening classes.

  B: 不管怎样,我想我晚上下课后会开车回家。

  A: It does feel a lot safer than riding the bus.

  A: 它确实感觉比坐公共汽车安全得多。

  B: Definitely. I can drive you home, too.

  B: 当然。我也可以开车送你回家。
