
Pit-bull Ban 斗牛犬禁令

  A: Did you hear about the dog ban?

  A: 你听说禁狗令了吗?

  B: No, what dog are they banning?

  B: 不,他们禁止什么狗?

  A: The city wants to ban pit-bulls.

  A: 该市希望禁止斗牛犬。

  B: What? Why do they want to do that?

  B: 什么?他们为什么要这样做?

  A: They say pit-bulls are dangerous.

  A: 他们说斗牛犬很危险。

  B: Pit-bulls are only trained to be that way.

  B: 斗牛士只会被训练成那样。

  A: How should they fix the attack problem, then?

  A: 那么,他们应该如何解决攻击问题?

  B: I think there should be a background check for dog adoption.

  B: 我认为应该对领养狗进行背景调查。

  A: How would that fix anything?

  A: 那怎么解决问题?

  B: If good people adopt them, the dogs will be good.

  B: 如果好人收养它们,狗就会很好。

  A: Many still feel like they're in danger around pit-bulls.

  A: 许多人仍然觉得自己在斗牛场附近很危险。

  B: I feel more endangered being around people than pit-bulls.

  B: 与斗牛士相比,我觉得与人在一起更危险。
