万物简史 第644期:永不安分的类人猿(8)(在线收听

Quite who they were and what they were like remain matters of disagreement and uncertainty. Right up until the middle of the twentieth century the accepted anthropological view of the Neandertal was that he was dim, stooped, shuffling, and simian—the quintessential caveman. It was only a painful accident that prodded scientists to reconsider this view. In 1947, while doing fieldwork in the Sahara, a Franco-Algerian paleontologist named Camille Arambourg took refuge from the midday sun under the wing of his light airplane. As he sat there, a tire burst from the heat, and the plane tipped suddenly, striking him a painful blow on the upper body. Later in Paris he went for an X-ray of his neck, and noticed that his own vertebrae were aligned exactly like those of the stooped and hulking Neandertal. Either he was physiologically primitive or Neandertal's posture had been misdescribed. In fact, it was the latter. Neandertal vertebrae were not simian at all. It changed utterly how we viewed Neandertals—but only some of the time, it appears.

他们究竟是谁,长得像什么样,至今依然莫衷一是,谜团一片。直到20世纪中叶,人类学界普遍流行的观点是,尼安德特人举止笨拙,身体弯曲,拖拽着脚行走,与猿人没有多大区别——他们是穴居人中的佼佼者。只是一件令入痛苦的偶然事件,才使得科学家对这一观点遗行了重新审视。 1947年,一位名为卡尔·阿拉姆卡尔的法裔阿尔及利亚古生物学家在撒哈拉地区野外考察时,中午烈日炎炎,他躲在他的轻型飞机的机翼下休息。他坐在那里的时候,一只轮胎由于天气太热而爆裂,飞机突然倾斜,他的上身被重重地击了—下。后来他取巴黎对他颈部做了一次X光检查,结果发现脊椎的排列与身体微屈,举止笨拙的尼安德特人完全一样。要么从生理学角度讲他类同于原始人,要么就是我们对尼安德特人样子的认识存在着偏差。答案自然是后者。尼安德特人的脊椎完全不同于类人猿。这完全改变了我们对尼安德特人的看法——但是这种认识似乎只是昙花一现。

It is still commonly held that Neandertals lacked the intelligence or fiber to compete on equal terms with the continent's slender and more cerebrally nimble newcomers, Homo sapiens. Here is a typical comment from a recent book: "Modern humans neutralized this advantage [the Neandertal's considerably heartier physique] with better clothing, better fires and better shelter; meanwhile the Neandertals were stuck with an oversize body that required more food to sustain." In other words, the very factors that had allowed them to survive successfully for a hundred thousand years suddenly became an insuperable handicap.

