巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生的第一份报告(7)(在线收听


  And now, having brought you up to date in the escaped convict, the Stapletons, Dr. Mortimer,and Frankland, of Lafter Hall, let me end on that which is most important and tell you more aboutthe Barrymores, and especially about the surprising development of last night.

  现在, 已给你及时地介绍了那逃犯、 斯台普吞、 摩梯末医生和赖福特庄园的弗兰克兰。

  下面再让我告诉你一些关于白瑞摩的最重要的事情作为结束吧, 其中特别是昨晚的那种惊人发展更加值得注意。

  First of all about the test telegram, which you sent from London in order to make sure thatBarrymore was really here. I have already explained that the testimony of the postmaster showsthat the test was worthless and that we have no proof one way or the other. I told Sir Henry howthe matter stood, and he at once, in his downright fashion, had Barrymore up and asked himwhether he had received the telegram himself. Barrymore said that he had.

  第一件就是关于你由伦敦发来的那封为了 证实白瑞摩是否确实呆在这里的试探性的电报。 我已向你解释过, 邮政局长的话说明那次试探是毫无结果的, 咱们什么也没能证明。 我把事情的真相告诉了 亨利爵士, 可是他马上就直截了当地把白瑞摩叫了 来, 问他是否亲自收到了那封电报。 白瑞摩说是的。

  "Did the boy deliver it into your own hands?" asked Sir Henry.

  “那孩子亲自交给你的吗? ” 亨利爵士问道。

  Barrymore looked surprised, and considered for a little time.

  白瑞摩好象很惊讶, 他稍稍地考虑了一会儿。

  "No," said he, "I was in the box-room at the time, and my wife brought it up to me."“不是, ” 他说道, “当时我正在楼上小屋里面呢, 是我妻子给我送上来的。”

  "Did you answer it yourself?"

  “是你亲自回的电报吗? ”

  "No; I told my wife what to answer and she went down to write it."“不是, 我告诉了我妻子应当怎样回答, 她就下楼去写了 。”

  In the evening he recurred to the subject of his own accord.

  当晚, 白瑞摩又重新提起了这个问题。
