巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生的第二份报告(2)(在线收听

  But whatever the true explanation of Barrymore's movements might be, I felt that theresponsibility of keeping them to myself until I could explain them was more than I could bear. Ihad an interview with the baronet in his study after breakfast, and I told him all that I had seen. Hewas less surprised than I had expected.

  不管究竟应该怎样才能正确地解释白瑞摩的行为, 我总是觉得, 在我能解释清楚之前,要把这件事秘而不宣对我是个很重的负担。 早饭后我到准男爵的书房去找他的时候, 就把我所见到的事都告诉他了。 可是他听了以后并不如我想象的那样感到吃惊。

  "I knew that Barrymore walked about nights, and I had a mind to speak to him about it," saidhe. "Two or three times I have heard hls steps in the passage, coming and going, just about thehour you name."

  “我早知道白瑞摩在夜里经常走动, 我曾想和他谈一谈这件事, ” 他说道,“我曾两三次听到他在过道里走来走去的脚步声, 时间恰和您所说的差不多。”

  "Perhaps then he pays a visit every night to that particular window," I suggested.

  “那么, 也许他每晚都要到那窗前去一趟呢,” 我提醒道。

  "Perhaps he does. If so, we should be able to shadow him and see what it is that he is after. Iwonder what your friend Holmes would do if he were here."“也许是。 如果真是这样的话, 咱们倒可以跟踪一下, 看一看他究竟在干什么。 我真不晓得如果您的朋友福尔摩斯在这里的话, 他会怎么办。

  "I believe that he would do exactly what you now suggest," said I. "He would followBarrymore and see what he did."

  “我相信他一定会象您所建议的那样采取行动,” 我说道,“他会跟踪白瑞摩, 并看看他干些什么事。”

  "Then we shall do it together."


  "But surely he would hear us."

  “可是, 他一定会听到咱们的。”

  "The man is rather deaf, and in any case we must take our chance of that. We'll sit up in myroom to-night and wait until he passes." Sir Henry rubbed his hands with pleasure, and it wasevident that he hailed the adventure as a relief to his somewhat quiet life upon the moor.

  “这个人有点聋, 而且无论如何咱们也得抓住这个机会。咱们今晚就一起坐在我的屋里,等他走过去。” 亨利爵士高兴得搓着双手, 显然他是喜欢来这么一次冒险, 以消解他在沼地生活的枯寂的。
